OBJECTIVE: To find the best solvent

HYPOTHESIS: I think water is the best solvent because as it is a universal indicator, it should be the best solvent of all.

MATERIALS: Spotting tile, droppers, cotton buds, acetate sheet and solutes, white board marker and solvents.

PROCEDURE: Label the spotting tile with A, B, and C. Then fill them with the right solvent. Then dip the cotton bud into the solvent and rub it on the solute. Record these results and continue for each solvent and solute.

RESULTS: For ethanol, it took more than 7 seconds to finish dissolving nail varnish and correction fluid while it dissolved the white board and permanent marker in just 3 rubs. For acetone, it dissolved every solute in less than 5 seconds. The distilled water could not dissolve the nail varnish, correction fluid and permanent marker, only able to dissolve the white board marker.

CONCLUSION: The best solvent of all is acetone because it can rub off all the solutes on the plastic sheet in seconds but it drys up (evaporates) quickly.

7 seconds
5 seconds and less
Permanent marker ink
3 rubs
5 seconds and less
Correction fluid
7 seconds
5 seconds and less
White board marker
3 rubs
5 seconds and less
5 rubs
mrs naz
3/23/2012 11:15:50 am

Great job!


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