INTRO: What I have learnt of about mixtures and solutions is whether they are homogenous or heterogenous, compounds or mixtures, solutes and solvents. Mixtures are physically made. They are a type of solution which is two or more elements mixed together. A homogenous mixture is an equally spread out mixutre while a heterogenous mixture is unevenly spread out. Evaporation is when water becomes gas and condensation is when gas becomes water. Distillation is when water evaporates and condenses leaving distilled water behind.

OBJECTIVES: We did this experiment so we could understand the process of distilling water. We are supposed to learn what happens during this proccess and what is the aftermath.

MATERIALS: We used a clamp, conical flask, rubber attached with glass rod, retort stand, brine solution, lead nitrate, test tube and bunsen burner set in this experiment. The clamp, conical flask, and everything else except the lead nitrate was for distillation. The lead nitrate was for seeing if the water was distilled.

PROCEDURE: Put the clamp on the retort stand.
                            Attach the conical flask with the rubber attached with glass rod and test tube to retort stands.
                            Put the bunsen burner under the conical flask filled with brine solution and start evaporating.
                            Then let the air condense the gas into water and let the water drip down.
                            After evaporating all the water, put lead nitrate in the distilled water to see if it is distilled.

OBSERVATION: The conical flask was full of salt while the water was all in the test tube. But after putting in lead nitrate, we found out our water was not distilled maybe because it was contaminated.

CONCLUSION: The salt water was supposed to form pure salt at the conical flask and distilled water in the test tube. Our distillation set up was not successful because the distilled water was not distilled at the end. To improve the setup, I would have more advanced equipment to cool the gas into water. The lead nitrate was for finding out whether your water was distilled or not. In this experiment, I learnt how to distill water.
mrs naz
3/23/2012 11:16:50 am

Good, but better if you start putting pictures!


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