Candy Chromatography

Objective: To observe the separation of a liquid through paper chromatography.

Hypothesis: The red colour will separate into red and a dark colour because it is dark. Orange will have red and yellow as it is a secondary colour of red and yellow. Yellow will only be yellow as it is a primary colour. Blue will also be only blue. Brown will have red, blue and yellow as it is from all primary colours. Green is made from blue and yellow.
Guided answers:

1.     The salt solution crawled up the piece of paper when it was dipped in the beaker.

2.     When the colour spots were in the beaker, it gradually went up. Some of the colours went sideways which I think is because same colours are pulled to one another.

3.     The results support the hypothesis because in the beaker, it showed its “true colours”.
Click to enlarge

5.     I rate myself 9 out of 10 since I brought M&M’s and did what I had to do in the experiment.

6.     I also rate my partner with 9 out of 10 since we both brought what we needed and did what we needed.

7.     I can improve this experiment by bringing more M&M’s in for people that need it.

mrs naz
3/23/2012 11:18:51 am

Good work!
However...when asked HOW CAN YOU IMPROVE THIS EXPERIMENT, you need to answer in terms of the procedure used to conduct the experiment...


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